Söngvakeppnin, or "The Song Contest," stands as an annual musical extravaganza orchestrated by The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RÚV). Serving as the gateway to the Eurovision Song Contest, it holds a paramount position among the network's flagship events each year. With its multi-artist format, featuring 10 competing songs, Söngvakeppnin epitomizes Iceland's vibrant music scene. The competition unfolds across two riveting semi-finals preceding and grand final, captivating audiences with its diverse array of musical talent.
In the creative realm, Autodesk Maya served as the cornerstone of my project. While the models were bought from Turbosquid, the logo, designed by Sævar Jóhannesson and modeled by myself, brought a unique identity to the production. Rendering the scene in Arnold, with the assistance of Zync, Google Cloud Rendering. It was then brought into After Effects for composition.
Producer - Salóme Þorkelsdóttir
Design - Birkir Ásgeirsson, Sævar Jóhannesson
Logo - Sævar Jóhannesson
Animation - Birkir Ásgeirsson
In addition to that, I have designed graphics for the LED screens during stage performances of certain songs. One notable example is from 2018 when Robin Bengtsson made a guest appearance to perform at Söngvakeppnin. It is worth mentioning that he previously represented Sweden in the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest, where he achieved a respectable 5th place with the song called "I Can't Go On."